Certificate error: Outlook 2007 & Exchange 2007

This one is from a while ago. I originally used this back in May of 2009 and just realized that I hadn’t posted the link and info. Basically, shortly after migrating to Microsoft Exchange 2007 in-house, we purchased an SSL certificate for various reasons. Long story short, Outlook 2007 clients starting throwing certificate errors upon opening. So, our outside clients now trust the Exchange box, but the inside clients do not. I went round and round trying to resolve this on my own before searching the internet for a solution. Finding the solution was not easy at all, but I eventually located this link. After following the instructions, everything was up and running as one would expect.

I didn’t really think that this would have been such a PITA, but maybe thats what I get for naming a mail server Newman.


1 thought on “Certificate error: Outlook 2007 & Exchange 2007”

  1. Hi i was excited to find this response to this problem but the link you have put in with the solution does not come up, could it have moved or been put in wrong ???


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