VirtualBox and cloning virtual hard disk drives

After breaking my VMWare Workstation install by upgrading to the latest kernel, I decided to give VirtualBox a try. VirtualBox comes in two flavors, the full version and the open source edition (OSE). I have had a great time creating virtual machines in VirtualBox, the application really is quite solid. I am seeing performance similar … Read more

Resolv.conf getting reset on reboot

If you have been around Linux for any length of time, you know that you can statically define which DNS servers your computer uses for name resolution. This is not always the case in Ubuntu / Debian systems because of a package called dhcp3-client. If this package is in use on your system, you will … Read more

New member of Leetworks!

I’d like to welcome raulmontana to our blog. His first post is below and as you can see, he has a knack for new things technical. Raul is always on the up and up with new technology whether it is browsers, devices, or social networking. He brings a perspective that many may find familiar and … Read more

Gmail Adds New Themes

The Gmail Team has finally released themes for Gmail users. If you’re a Gmail love like me, and you and to give it a try, click on “settings” and click on the “Themes” tab and pick yours. Here’s what my inbox looks like: Have fun 🙂 -Raul Montana