User cannot see faxes sent by other users

As a reseller of GFI products, I am very familiar with GFI FaxMaker. Almost all of my clients that use computer based faxing use GFI, but there are a few that use other solutions.

This particular client uses the server/client faxing that is built into Windows Server 2003 for sending faxes. The system has been impressively reliable and easy to use.

Recently, a new user of the fax server indicated that she was unable to see faxes sent by other users in the fax console under the Sent folder. All other users were able to view all sent faxes. The solution was simple enough if you know where to go.

Open up Active Directory Users and Computers and locate the user that you want to grant this ability to. Get the properties for the user and go to the Member Of tab. Finally, add the user to the Fax Operators group. Have the user close the Fax Console and reopen it for the changes to take effect.


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